Post by AFL on Jan 26, 2011 12:05:05 GMT -5
Minimum Wage or Livable Wage? What do you think we need? I have this theory based entirely off of nothing that if we increased the minimum wage to something that IS livable, that we may have less poverty. Less welfare cases. Etc.
I understand everyone's life is different. What one may think is a good wage, someone may think it's crap.
The min wage I believe in NJ is like $7.75. Let's say they slightly doubled it to $15. $15 an hour, IMO, is something that is livable. Especially in a dual income home. There would be no need for welfare, there would be enough for these people to pay their rent (or mortgage), pay their bills, and even have money left over to buy stuff. Buying stuff is a good thing. It stimulates the economy.
If more people have disposable money, then more people will be out there spending money. This way, the companies that DO pay the crappy min wage now..would eventually make up for now doubling the salaries of their workers.
I mean, it makes sense to me. But what about someone else? Or is this a system to make people feel better about themselves compared to other people?